HySkills Course

HySkills Course

As part of the initial work on the project, and utilising the needs analysis responses, the partners identified specific learning and teaching outcomes to ensure HySkills is industrially relevant. For the past few months, HySkills partners have been developing these learning and teaching outcomes into tailored course content in the form of 8 modules – listed below – geared towards EQF level 5 (UK equivalent 4&5) learners.

Interactive Learning

New technology enhanced teaching and learning methods – including 3D simulation and augmented reality (AR) – are being employed as part of the HySkills course. SWC are utilising their inhouse graphic design team and cutting-edge software to produce a more interactive and engaging learner experience.

HySkills Virtual Simulation
3D render of a Hydrogen Electrolyser
3D render of a Hydrogen HGV