Project Outputs

The project is grounded on the premise there will be a skills gap in the upcoming hydrogen sector and therefore a need for a suitably educated workforce.

In order to meet this need, the international consortium came together to create “HySkills”; an industrially relevant, modular, vocational education and training (VET) course aimed at educating learners for the hydrogen sector. The HySkills modules will focus on fundamentals of hydrogen, imparting technical & practical knowledge as well as the important critical safety considerations of hydrogen.

The project commenced in December 2020 and the consortium consists of 5 transnational partners with expertise in hydrogen, sustainability and education. The main outputs of the project are the learning outcomes and units, the modular course and a “train the trainer” programme and handbook.

Intellectual Outputs

1. Learning Outcomes & Units

The Partnership produced a report based on results of a needs analysis survey to assess the skills requirement for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies which was conducted across 5 EU countries to identify the relevant safety and technical skills required by the future hydrogen workforce.

2. Modular Training Course

The HySkills Project Partners created a modular training course that will be offered to vocational and academic learners to support the pivot of conventional fossil fuel industries to hydrogen along their pathway to Net Zero.

3. Train the Trainer Programme & Handbook

The Partnership produced a teacher training programme to provide the prerequisite knowledge for any trainer/lecturer to deliver the HySkills modular course regardless of background knowledge or geographic location.

Project Objectives


To undertake a comparative needs analysis across 5 EU countries to map the relevant safety and technical skills of future workforce in the H2 sector in order to aid the design and development of the HySkills curriculum and learning outcomes.


To enhance the labour market relevance of VET learners by designing a modular training course and practical learning to develop accredited safety skills with the intention of creating a workforce fully equipped to integrate into the H2 sector.


To initially strengthen the key competences of 90 learners through the pilot delivery of the HySkills modular training course within the partner institutions.


To develop and pilot a teacher training programme to 50 teachers and trainers to enable the effective delivery of specialised cross-disciplinary engineering VET.

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