The Hyskills consortium consists of five partner organisations from across Europe, each partner provides expertise, skills and competencies required to effectively deliver the project.

South West College is one of the largest vocational and technical Colleges in the United Kingdom employing over 900 staff, servicing some 22,000 full-time and part-time learners. The College is rurally located in the western region of Northern Ireland. The scope of curriculum at the College ranges from Level 1-7 provision including a portfolio of further education, higher education and apprenticeship programmes. The College offers a broad range of modern and industry-relevant curriculum delivered across three faculties.

Dublin City University (DCU) in Ireland is education, research & sustainability focused. DCU has a mission of transforming lives and societies. DCU’s Strategic Plan has renewed the curriculum experience for students and staff. One of the key drivers is the need to prepare students for the workplace environment working in multi-disciplinary teams and gaining real world experiences to be successful.

The Hellenic Society for the Promotion of Research and Development Methodologies (PROMEA), based in Athens, Greece, is a Non-profit Association. PROMEA’s goal is to address societal challenges related to workforce re-training and upskilling, resource efficiency, circular economy, quality improvement in education, inclusiveness, and equal opportunities.

Uniquely located at 70 degrees north, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway is the northernmost university in the world, surrounded by some of Europe’s last pristine wild nature. Established in 1968, the University is a modern, broad, high-tech university with outstanding degree programs at bachelor, master and PhD level in 8 faculties. Like all Norwegian public institutions, there are no tuition fees at UiT. UiT supports the development of outstanding research, both basic and applied, in all disciplines, but with particular emphasis on cross- and interdisciplinary research efforts focusing on the needs, problems and opportunities of the North.

The European Institute for Innovation – Technology is a registered non-profit organisation. EIfI-Tech works on a variety of projects, merging technical innovation with economic deployment. Thus, the EIfI-Tech is known for its work with innovation & entrepreneurs; it shortens the connection with industry & academia partners. Furthermore, the Institute is active in applied research, feasibility, testing, development, demonstration with the purpose of ultimately supporting economic deployment.

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